tricks specialty classes

Pawsitive Tricks and Clicks

This class introduces you to the basics of clicker training and it’s effectiveness in teaching new behaviours and polishing existing behaviours. Brush up on your dog’s obedience skills and teach your dog some new tricks. Lots of fun for you and your dog! Classes are 45 minutes in length and run weekly for four consecutive weeks.

Some of the tricks we will work on are:

  • Sit pretty
  • Leg weaving
  • Say your prayers
  • Pick up your toys
  • Wave
  • Walk on my feet

Trick training can also be a great way to build your fearful dog’s confidence or to improve your dog’s health and well being.

Lessons can be customized to include any trick that you would like to teach your dog.

Sage Closes the Door

Upcoming Classes

Classes are 45 minutes in length and are offered on a private lesson basis only. When working one on one with you and your dog, the curriculum can be customized to meet your specific needs and training concerns. You are provided with a detailed training summary with homework reminders after each class. Lessons are scheduled based on our mutual availability.


In order to secure your lesson time, payment is required in full at time of booking. We require 48 hrs notice for cancellation or rescheduling to avoid being billed for your missed lesson.

Thank you for your understanding.