Debra Pearse, rmt-RP, CESMT, CCMP
Meet Debra
Professional Trainer, Success Coach, Integrative Holistic Wellness Specialist and proud owner of Pawsitive Spirit Training & Wellness.
I’ve been an animal lover my whole life! I’m passionate about improving the lives of animals and helping people to create incredible relationships with their pets.
Throughout my extensive career with animals my clients have called me many things: Horse Whisperer, Dog Whisperer, Cat Whisperer and even Miracle Worker from time to time. I work with all animals – large and small!
Horses were my first love. I started riding as a young girl and went on to successfully compete in Hunter, Jumper and Dressage. As my career evolved, I began coaching and mentoring young riders – as well as taking a deep dive into holistic equine therapies.

My love of dogs is also second to none! After a successful competitive riding career, I became involved in competitive dog sports and have enjoyed many successes with my canine team-mates at the local, provincal and national level in Agility. I’ve titled dogs in Agility, Obedience and in the Conformaton Show ring, but I truly fell in love with agility and it is the only dog-sport that I continue to compete in with my three border collies, Bliss, Sage and Shanti.

I’m a life-long learner and am constantly upgrading my knowledge and skills to better serve my clients and the animals I work with. I’ve achieved multiple certifications related to holistic wellness and energy medicine for both animals and humans, which include:
- Registered Reiki Master
- Registered Animal Reiki Practitioner
- Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist
- Certified Canine Massage Practitioner
- Advanced Animal Acupressure Practitioner
- Advanced CranioSacral Therapist
- Advanced Animal Aromatherapist
- PEMF International Expert and Educator
- Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
- Certified Rapid Results Success Coach
- Certified Master Mindfulness Practitioner
- Certified Happy for No Reason Trainer
- Certified Crystal Reiki Master
- Certifified Holistic Wellness Life Coach
- Certified Chakra Balancing & Healing Practitioner
- Certified Hypnosis Practitioner

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”
~ Anatole France

- Debra Pearse, RMT-RP, CESMT, CCMP